Strength Training: 4-Day Schedule
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Jun 12th 2024

Strength Training: 4-Day Schedule


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

Looking for a full body, strength training program that will challenge you? Here it is, developed by one of our certified strength & conditioning specialist here at Jefit. You get expect a complete, full body, 4-day strength plan to follow for the next 8-weeks.

*Jefit Strength Assessment*

Find this test under the 'Profile" tab on your phone. Perform it at the start of week 1 and once again when you have finished the program following the completion of week 8.

You have the opportunity to work your upper body and legs twice each week for two months.

The goal is is to workout out every other day, giving you four sessions a week.

Equipment: Dumbbell, barbell, machine

Day 1: Begin with two warm-up movements. Followed with 12 exercises, 2-3 sets each. Session length = 75-minutes.

Day 2: Start with two warm-up movements to prepare your body for the upcoming workout. After the warm-up you can expect 6 leg exercises, 3-4 sets each. Session length = 40-minutes.

Day 3: This third session of the week begins with a warm-up movements and a few sets of Reveres Hypers before move through 12 additional exercises designed to overload your upper body. Perform 2-3 sets of each. Session length = 70-minutes.

Day 4: In this second leg session of the week you'll begin with 5-minutes on the bike (or available cardio). Following this, you have two light bodyweight leg sets. Then a big squat day and finish with calf work. Expect 2-6 sets per exercise. Session length is about 47-minutes.

Exercise Intensity

This is key. You should be using about 80% of your 1-RM (repetition maximum) for each and every exercise. If you feel like you can handle more than the suggestion weight, or you're doing more reps., then increase the resistance so you can barely finish each set after the warm-up set.


Focus on eating about 1-1.5 grams of protein/kilogram of body weight each day. Include a protein drink after every workout containing 25-30 grams of whey protein. Make sure it contains a minimum of 3 grams of the amino acid leucine. In addition, a healthy diet using all macronutrients in each meal with plenty of water.


You know the deal here. Your muscles grows when you sleep, so get plenty of recovery. About 8-9 hours including a short nap each day when training heavy.

Stay Strong Together,
