Hanging Pike
Expert - Strength - Compound

Targeted Muscle Group

Core figure highlighted in blue



 figure highlighted in blue

 figure highlighted in blue

Recommended Equipment

Pullup Bar equipment

Pullup Bar

How to do it

The hanging pike is a challenging and effective ab exercise that targets the rectus abdominis (the "six-pack" muscles) along with the hip flexors and obliques. Here’s how to perform it correctly:

Start Position

Hang from a pull-up bar with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you). Your arms should be fully extended and your legs hanging straight down. Engage your core and keep your body stable.

Engage Your Core

Tighten your core muscles, pulling your navel towards your spine. Keep your legs straight and toes pointed.

Raise Your Legs

While keeping your legs straight, lift them up in front of you. Aim to bring your feet up towards the bar. Your body should form an “L” shape at the top of the movement with your legs perpendicular to your torso.

Peak Contraction

Hold the position briefly when your legs are at the highest point, fully engaging your abdominal muscles. Slowly lower your legs back to the starting position in a controlled manner, avoiding any swinging or momentum.
Ensure your core remains tight and your movement is smooth.