Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat
Intermediate - Strength - Compound

Targeted Muscle Group

Upper Legs figure highlighted in blue


Upper Legs

Lower Legs figure highlighted in blue

Lower Legs

Core figure highlighted in blue


Recommended Equipment

Dumbbell equipment


How to do it

Begin by standing a few feet in front of whatever surface you’re using to rest your foot on. Have a Dumbbell in each hand. From here, lift your non-working leg and rest it on the bench or box. You can hold your foot up on your toes, or let it rest flat.

When you’re split and stabilized, hold the weight loosely in your hand. Brace your core and then sink down and slightly backward into a squat. Descend as far as your mobility allows without pain or loss of balance.

Once you’ve reached the bottom of the split squat, reverse the motion by driving your working leg down into the floor. Push yourself back up to the starting position using only your working leg.